I can’t think of an appropriate title because life is just beyond awesome, but possibly this will be part 1

October 19, 2014

Uni, Lee, Chloe, Annabelle, Simon, Joel…….Cait, Spence, Alex and Hayden.

My hair.

My room.



Yeh, so I’ve been in London for about……2 weeks I think. It’s all a hedonistic blur! M&D wanted to see the room in the house-share (they didn’t think it was good enough for me, as I said in my last post, because they thought that after having a huge attic room to myself, I wouldn’t cope. They STILL don’t know that me and Lee are together and that I will NEVER be sleeping in it anyways) so we (me, Lee and them) came down about a month ago. Lee had begged Chloe, who had been in the house all summer, to clear out all the shit from the box room cos it was apparently jammed with unbridled crap from a year already in that place. When we got here, M&D were quite impressed with the house. Dad said his student house was hideous, so judging by this one, his must have been DIRE. I’m not saying anything cos I know that London prices for students are horrendous, but it’s not the cleanest or most modern house. It needs a good lick of paint, but who am I to say? Lee was taking the piss saying that student houses are never top notch. I don’t care. We get to live together! That’s all I care about!

So this was what we found when we arrived:

$_86 (3)


Dad measured up and said that we could fit a single bed in there but not much else. Mum wasn’t impressed, but I just was all like, YEH WOW I LOVE IT! (Ha!)

As I said, only Chloe was in there over the summer as she works with her Mum in a boutique nearby. Lee had worked for a few weeks in the holidays before he came back to Lincolnshire (pissed me off!) and I think Simon had too. They had paid half rent or something, to keep it over the summer.

This is the kitchen:


There’s a table just to the right of where I’m standing so it’s not bad at all.

Lee’s (OUR) room is just next door to the box room and it’s on the top floor (of 3). Chloe’s room is also up there and a toilet. I wish me and Lee were on our own, but at least we don’t share a corridor with Annabelle or the others as well.

This is the living room:


There’s more space to the left where we’ve got another sofa (Dad bought it) and it’s cosy, especially with all 6 of us in it! me and Lee always sit on the sofa Dad bought us and the others tend to avoid us. probably because we’re all over each other and they want to vom. Lol.

So that weekend, we went to IKEA (I hate that place. I wanted to get a bed from somewhere a bit quirkier, but no) and Dad bought a low storage chest thingy instead of a frame bed cos he said it would be impossible to store clothes anywhere (unless I’m in living in Lee’s room hahaha! I love saying it over and over. Totally defying them!) So the new mattress went on top of the chest and he also bought me a desk for my computer etc. Mum changed the hideous curtains and also, we found mould and other grossness on that red carpet so dad took it up and Lee helped him put this laminate down that looks like wood floorboarding. Pretty cool!

Oh yes and that night. Oh that night! M&D kipped down on the sofa bed in the living room, Lee slept in his/our room and I had to sleep in Chloe’s. She stayed at her Mum’s. I was MORTIFIED. I hate sleeping in other people’s beds and that’s why I NEVER went to sleep over parties when I was younger. Bloody shit. And knowing full well that Lee was next door!  I was all up for sneaking in but he wasn’t keen. The wuss. Just cos the nazis were downstairs! What’s the difference, I asked. You sleep in my attic room while they’re on the next floor down! Muppet.

So next day, bright and (too) early, we returned to Lincolnshire. The landlord came just before we left and Dad paid him for my first term’s rent. YEY!!

So the rest of the summer was spent with Mum fussing over what I needed to take like what kitchenware I needed. Lee kept telling her NONE but the wacked out bat didn’t believe him (see previous pic. Sarcastic as fuck-can’t see any fucking saucepans there can you?) As far as Dad was concerned he’d done his bit and thank God he stayed out of these proceedings, except for his insistent obsession with the crime rate around the area. BORING.

I also had to clean out the attic room, which I nearly died doing. Lee helped me but OMFG was it shit. It took us 4 days and about 25 bin liners. Utter carnage.

Saying goodbye to Chester was awful. Dad rung the landlord and asked if I could take him, but he said he needed to ask the neighbours (students both sides) and didn’t get back to us before we had to leave. Update on that, GOOD NEWS! The neighbours don’t mind and we’ve got a back yard for him to go out when he wants the loo, plus a park nearby for walks, so he’s coming after Christmas! YAY! I miss him so much.

I didn’t start Uni for a week after we came so I had some time to settle in and (after they’d left) Lee had to sort out his crap to make room for mine. Mum fussed yet again over my ‘room’ although it’s so small, really THERE IS NO CHOICE about where furniture can go!

She started crying as well on the Sunday night when they left. How embarrassing. Lee was all like, ‘Oh Mrs Papadaki, don’t worry, we’ll look after Casey, she’s in safe hands’ and all that, when I was cowering, wishing her to stop blubbing in front of the others, who had arrived by then and were lugging bags and boxes in. I felt a right knobjockey. Thanks Mum. Lee was pissed off with me for not giving her a hug and stuff. NO. He did though, the sap!

She has called me every single evening since then. Great.

So, this is what my room looked like directly after they left:

bedroom copy

it’s nice but it hasn’t stayed like that!

There’s no room for doing art work so we put my computer on a table in OUR room and we’ll have this for doing my art work on.

computer moved to lee's room copy

As you can see, it’s messy already! That’s totally me though isn’t it? Lee gets annoyed with me. (well, I say ‘annoyed’. Lee’s version of annoyed is looking at me and raising his eyebrows. He’s too chilled out that dude!)

Oh. Part 1 over. Lee wants me to go to Tesco with him to get some stuff for dinner. I’ve got so much more to write! But work beckons tonight and some serious DVD watching, so I bid you farewell, and hopefully I’ll be able to catch up sooooooooooon. Oh this is a portrait Lee did of me. He got it enlarged on canvas and it’s on the wall in OUR room!

Life is fuckerty good!

lee's portrait

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